Bringing Ranked-Choice Voting to Washington State

Politics are broken. Voters feel disempowered, communities don’t feel represented, and constructive disagreement has gone out the window. Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is a simple improvement to the way we vote. Vote for candidates in the order you prefer: 1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice, and so on. If your favorite can’t win, your vote counts for your next choice.
Icon of three people with numbers one through three below them

Voters Like RCV

RCV is the fastest-growing non-partisan reform in the U.S. Voters who try RCV say it’s simple and they want to keep using it.

Icon of three people, with one of them holding a megaphone

RCV Improves Representation

More women and people of color run and win with RCV, so governments better reflect their communities.

Icon of three people with signs

Empowers Voters

RCV gives you more say. Vote for who you really want, then rank your backup choices. No more voting for the lesser of two evils.

Icon of a person holding a sign with a heart on it.

The Right Incentives

RCV rewards politicians who reach beyond their base to build common ground, producing civil, issue-focused campaigns that focus on solutions.

Stay Informed or Get Involved!

Try Our Sample RCV Ballot!

Support for Ranked-Choice Voting Across Our State

Want to Learn More?

Come chat with us at an online or in-person event. We’d love to hear what you think about ranked-choice voting and answer your questions.

Or check out our YouTube channel for our webinar recordings and more great RCV resources.

Paid for by FairVote Washington

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